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Our Services

We are providing the great services for you !

At Murshida Medical Care, we’re dedicated to providing high-quality, personalized medical care with the most cutting edge technologies available. By continuously evaluating and upgrading our services, we ensure that all patients receive the best treatment for their needs.

Services: Services


-Electrocardiogram (ECG) or electrocardiogram (EKG) is a simple examination to measure the rhythm and electrical activity of the heart. Each time the heart beats, an electric current will flow and produce a contraction of the heart muscle.
-This muscle contraction causes the heart to be able to pump blood throughout the body. On an ECG examination, the electrical flow of the heart is recorded by a machine and the results will be examined by a doctor to see whether or not there is a disturbance or damage to the heart.



-A state-of-the-art ultrasound machine capable of scanning up to 5D Live for pregnant mothers. Regular ultrasound scans as well as 2D, 3D and 4D details are also provided. Organs such as liver, kidneys, prostate, ovaries, uterus, bladder, gallbladder and others can also be scanned.



-Wound washing, treatment and dressing services (modern advanced dressing) that use premium medicine and also the latest PRP technology which is believed to help wound healing faster and reduce scarring.



-Depending on the patient's clinical condition, drip water will be given to the patient through a needle (cannula) that is inserted into the venous blood vessels (intravenous) at a certain amount and rate.
-Especially, for patients who are dehydrated and lack energy. Dehydration can occur when the patient vomits / diarrhea / extreme hot weather.



-For babies aged 2 years and below, they do not need the use of cough/flu medicine. This is because the use of cough and flu medicines will usually invite drowsiness, so it can make it difficult for parents to detect whether their baby is normal or not, which is why the use of such medicines is highly discouraged.
-The baby is still not good at blowing his nose, the doctor will inhale the phlegm and mucus using a suction machine, tube or nasal aspirator.



-The occurrence of foreign matter entering the eyes is quite common. In most cases, foreign matter is found under the eyelids or above the cornea and it can be easily removed through irrigation. Foreign matter can also enter the eyeball through wounds due to puncture injuries. Surgery (in the eye department at the hospital) is required to remove this type of foreign matter.
-For the ears, the clinic doctor will treat for ear blockage, itching, watery, purulent, wheezing or others.



-Nebulizer is a machine that can convert medicine in liquid form into a fine mist that is inhaled into the lungs. It pushes the dense air through the liquid medicine and turns it into a mist. It is then inhaled using a special face mask or through a mouthpiece.
-Usually it takes 5-10 minutes for the medicine to be inhaled through a nebulizer. This treatment is needed for anyone who has an acute asthma attack, difficulty breathing, wheezing (stridor) or to break down phlegm/mucus.



-Circumcision services are offered with the latest circumcision method which is by using laser / electric diathermy method which is faster, less painful and faster healing. (for male circumcision)
-The doctor will perform the circumcision process for the baby girl which only takes less than 5 minutes and is quite easy. (for female circumcision)
-Preferably, circumcision is done before the baby is 2 years old because the baby does not/less pain in the part to be circumcised because the sensory nerve of pain to that part is not perfect enough.



-Treatment for chronic skin diseases such as acne, dandruff, eczema, psoriasis or bacterial/fungal infections such as impetigo, tinea and carbuncle.
-Small surgery at the clinic is also provided for warts, excess skin (skin tags), lumps or bumps (eg: lipoma, cyst, keloid scar)

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-Physiotherapy services for patients with nerve/joint/bone problems such as arthritis, injuries, sciatica and stroke are also available at the clinic. This treatment can improve the patient's body and help patients carry out their daily routine as usual / reduce their burden.
-We have clinical staff who are experienced in the field of physiotherapy and can provide you with knowledge about the ways of physiotherapy that can be practiced at home.



-There are several types of injections that can be given to patients with chronic knee cartilage (osteoarthritis) such as cortisone injection (anti -inflammatory) / hyaluronic acid injection (joint lubricant gel) / PRP injection (platelet rich plasma @ platelet rich plasma)



-Our clinic provides all mandatory MOH vaccines as well as additional vaccines such as Pneumococcal (Prevenar13), Meningiococcal and chicken pox.



-For food handlers, it is mandatory to take a typhoid injection every 3 (three) years to ensure the hygiene of the food you provide is guaranteed and safe for customers to eat.



-There are several blood test packages that can be taken for anyone who wants to make a medical checkup / want to know their health status in our clinic.
-Among the blood tests that are usually done are FBC (full blood count), RFT (renal function test), LFT (liver function test), cholesterol test, blood sugar test, HbA1c test and TFT (thyroid function test).

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-A machine to read urine test results is available at the clinic. Test results can be obtained in a short time in just 1-2 minutes. A urine test is usually done if a person is suspected of having a urinary tract infection by a doctor.
-Rapid UPT test (urine pregnancy test) is also provided. Women who are expecting the presence of offspring / late dating months can do this test and the results will be available in just 3 minutes.
-We also offer a rapid urine drug test for anyone who wants to, especially those who need to do this test during a health check to apply



-For couples who want to plan a family, the doctor will give you an explanation of the methods of family planning available in modern times now.
-Among them, birth control pills, hormone implants, hormone injections, tools in the uterus, condoms, natural methods and so on.

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-In conjunction with the new year 2021, we want to expand our empire to make home visits to provide the best services to them, especially patients who are bedridden / unable to move to a nearby hospital or clinic.
-The services we offer for home visits are dressing, changing feeding tubes, physiotherapy, removing non-rotting stitches and others.

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